Merge conflict arises because Git recognizes which code to keep and which to discard. Git will successfully merge conflict if all the changes in the code occur on different lines or in different files. If your local changes have some overlap with changes you are pulling, you will, instead get a merge conflict from git stash pop. A merge conflict occurs when Git cannot automatically resolve differences between two commits. Files are merged automatically unless there are conflicting parts.
This article explains how to use git stash and git stash commands with examples. 05-git-stash-apply-cli from Axosoft on Vimeo. This will take the changes of your most recent stash and apply them to your repository and preserve the stash. Moreover, Git is backed up by several operations or commands also like Git stash, Git stash apply, Git stash pop, Git stash drop. If you want to get your stashed changes back but want to keep the stash intact, you will use the Git stash apply command. Git allows users to merge commits from two branches through merging action. The Git repositories are hosted by GitHub that helps to work online and assist the programmers to share their project or code files there. The alternate way is git stash apply in case you want to re-apply the changes and keep them in your stash. Running these commands without a reference will use it with the last entry. The git stash pop removes the changes from your stash and re-applies them to your working copy. drop will only delete and not apply the entry. Where n the latest inserted element is getting from the queue on POP, and removed after the POP. The git stash pop is similar to the POP from the queue data structures. Useful when you need to apply all stashes one by one. Stashing takes the messy state of the working directory and saves it on a stack of unfinished changes that you can return to them later. GIT stash pop : The git stash pop is applying the last stash and delete from the list. This is possible with the git stash command.

Very often, when you are working on the part of your project, and things are in a dirty state, you can switch branches to work on something else and then get back to and re-apply them. Check whether you have unmerged paths or not by executing: Stashing and Cleaning The second step won’t work if there are unmerged paths.